It is finally here! And the wait is over!
It may have taken a long time for our FULL game to become available, but it was well worth the wait. Bugs have been fixed! Updates and improvements have been made to ensure that Age of Tanks players get the greatest possible experience.
But we couldn’t have done this without help from our community! By reporting bugs and errors, we were able to zone in on them and had it fixed. Our warmest appreciation and gratitude for you help! Thank you!
We finally have a COMPLETE GAME that we are so proud of! So without further ado, we present you AGE OF TANKS — FULL GAME!
Web Access:
>Register Email Address and Login Credentials
>Connect Metamask Wallet
To guide you on this journey on Earth Zero, here is our complete guide.
You will find everything you need to know about Age of Tanks Full Game — How to Start, Tank Manual, PvE & PvP modes, Blindboxes and Bidding and many more!
We won’t say it is perfect, and we may run into issues now and then, so we’d appreciate it if you could bring it to our attention and report it to us! Let us work together to achieve excellence, Champions!
Enjoy your stay on Earth Zero and together, we will dominate the Metaverse!
Know more about — AGE OF TANKS
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