Transcription of AMA Session — May 2, 2022
CEO Jackson Neo: Hello I am Neo, the CEO and Founder of Age of Tanks.
CMO Maestro Sim: I’m Maestro. I’m the Founder and CMO of Age of Tanks.
CEO Jackson Neo: I’m sure, most of you who are here today know what we are here for. We are here to announce our full game launch. We started on 1st of May. And we are here today, we’re going to teach you how to maximize your energies, how to maximize your profits and how to play the game, how to explore the metaverse within Age of Tanks. Without further adieu, I’ll pass you over to Maestro.
CMO Maestro Sim: Thank you Neo.
Alright, guys. I hope you guys seen our telegram, our socials and you guys know our full game launch. I’m excited to share with you our full game launch updates. So let us go to our slideshow.
You can see what we have achieved for our Alpha and Beta since January 22nd. We have achieved 23,000 unique wallets connected to our game, more than 100,000 Game Site Sessions, more than 1 million battles conducted. We have received more than 2,500 feedbacks from our gamers, from our community, and we have been improving our game from day to day basis, and we have more than 12,000 hours tested in our game.
So, the wait is finally over, the full game is finally here. The full game launched yesterday.
So, the first feature will be the fee to play. And upon registration, all players will receive a FREE BASIC TANKS which is a non-NFT to kickstart your journey in our Earth Zero Metaverse.
And going through the five simples steps tutorial, you assemble your first tank. In these five steps you are able to learn how to form you first tank, how to assemble your tank.
Upon completion of the tutorial, the PVE will be open up to players and you will receive 5 Brodium upon their first successful battle in the PVE1.
This is one type of entry in our full game.
The second type is the scholarship system. The scholars are able to join a guild which will be coming very soon for this function which will be probably in less than two week’s time.
And through the guild’s Concats Academy, scholars are able to rent NFT tanks without buying one themselves with A.O.T. tokens as deposit.
On daily basis you are able to split the rewards you earn from the gameplay. The rewards will be split based on the contract agreement at the point of rent.
the third type of game will be the NFT gamers. For those who have participated now, I know you have bought our tank NFT. You will be able to enjoy all the benefits from the Free-to-Play Gamers. And for you tank, you are able to participate in out PVP and earn A.O.T. tokens. And of course, the higher rarity of your tank, you will be able to win more matches, complete more rounds, and earn more daily bonus.
So, looking at our game mode and functions. When you click on the battle on your game interface, you’ll be able to choose between PVE campaign and storyboard or PVP mode and ranking mode.
Let us talk about the PVP first. The PVP game mode — there are three modes on PVP, 1v1 All Out Battle meaning the one versus one, there will not be any ranking category. You may be a common tank , you may match up with a legendary tank. You may be a mystic tank and match up with an epic tank. It’s an all out battle, alright.
And we focus on ranked match with 7v7 but players who wish to outwit battles or better players, or better tanks, you can also join the 7v7 all out battle. Don’t be surprised, it doesn’t mean that the higher rarity you are a sure win. It really depends on the tank attributes and the skills.
So, you have through our Alpha and Beta game you will realize that that there are some skills that actually counter other type of skills. So, it’s for you to find out which skills are you most ideal combination. Now, Alpha and Beta are finished, so no more trying and no more test drive. Hope that you have your best tank. And we started our full game launch, the market place there’s not much tank, but as we move along there’s going to be more players, you farm out faster, you are able to sell more tanks. you will be able to choose your best part or tanks that you have.
For the PVP tank assembly, the battle time is the same as our Alpha and Beta, three time slots everyday, from 3–6 am, 9–12 pm and 4 -7 pm UTC. And there will be weekly ranking and the top 20 in our weekly ranking will be able to earn A.O.T. tokens as reward.
Only the 7v7 ranked battles are calculated and rewards will vary between each rank.
Let us now look at our PVE campaign and story modes. Over here, I’d like to illustrate that if you watched Age of Tanks since the beginning, and if you watched our beautiful trailer, the cinematic trailer, you’ll understand that this trailer is made from our backstory from the second impact to earth, what happened to the earth from year 23100. Even the story mode is an extension of what happens on Earth Zero.
Read through that story mode and we hope that you enjoy the story that’s created from our team. And moving forward, we actually have more plans to display a better storyboard rather than text version. We will come up with picture, we will come out with video but that will be in the future. For now enjoy the story.
As we go along the PVE campaign, there’s 3 types of PVE: PvE1, PvE3 and PvE7, which mean if you one tank, you can participate in PvE1. If you have at least 3 tanks, you can participate in pvE1 or PvE3. If you have 7 tanks, you can participate in all kinds of PvE.
And the higher the level you climb, the more difficult the level is. There’s a total of 5 Chapters with 5 missions. the Brodium rewards varies from different chapter difficulty level.
in the game mode and functions, i mentioned the Concats Academy and the guild. The Concats Academy when the guilds open up, it will open up to players who have joined a particular guild.
Onboarding on our guilds, there are 3 different guilds, and you can choose. Moving forward, you can apply to be part of a guild in our game.
There will be criteria to fulfill as a guild.
When you go to a hangar, you will see the current assembled tanks. You can also see the different parts of your tanks, ranging from the hull, the hatch and etc. Later we will go on details what each part contribute.
So, at the inventory page, you talk about the forging function, you combine the two types of lower rarity to give rise to a higher rarity tanks.
Ho do you use Brodium to bid for your blind box? As we mentioned, you will be able to earn Brodium from the PvE and the PvP1 and of course even PvP 7v7.
What is Brodium used for? Brodium is for players to bid on our blind boxes. Everyday, we will release limited number of blind boxes of different parts which consists of different rarities.
Its run by RNG so we wouldn’t know what type of rarity it is but there’s a fixed percentage and players are able to bid for the blind box.
So, everyday, example for today, at this time slot, there be blind box and the hedge fund boxes so you choose. You can have multiple bids, you have a single bid, as long as you successfully bid at the end of the day, you will be given a blind box, you go to your inventory and check out what part you received.
And from your four parts of different, rarity, different skills set, that you choose to assemble, your four most ideal parts to form your assembled tanks.
Here’s the part that I mentioned, the option. So how do you bid? Basically every blind box goes by the minimum price of 1000 Brodium and every bid is 100 Brodium. If you want to submit a higher bid, you nee to be in multiple of hundreds.
Let us go to the four parts of the tank, mainly the hull, the hatch, the weapon, and the engine.
As mentioned before, this is the Origin Tank Series. In our game, we actually designed 12 different origin tanks. Each of the tanks have their own names, eventually you may have a different combination. Maybe the engine of the Justicator plus the hatch of the Ghostor plus the weapon of a Starchasor and a hull of a Swiftor. It depends. It may be a variety.
The different rarities and color as you can see on the screen. These colors are easier indicator for you to know the rarity, the sign we have a 1–5, the rarity sign.
Now let’s look at the hatch. The hatch determines the attack range, the critical chances of your assembled tank.
And when you look at the gun, and the hull, is the more important factor of your assembled tank because the gun determines your attack skill of your assembled tank and the attack damage is also determined by the gun.
And as you can see there’s the 12 different origin tanks determine the different types of attack skills. Each attack has different abilities and effects. So, choose your best, most ideal kind of attack skill that you wish to have.
The hull determines the defense skill of your assembled tanks. So 12 different origin tanks, also 12 different defense skills.
Some attack skills and some defense skills cover each other and some actually combine to a form a better effect. It’s for you to find out.
Lastly look at the engine. The engine determines the speed of the tank.
Talking about engine, there are 6 different engine classes, namely the speed, damage and defense type and among these, the three of the engine classes, the Jericho, brute and the guardian engine are the engine attributes that contributes to your tank.
Next let’s look at the engine weight capacity because this contributes to the additional attributes that you can get because of the particular engine. They contribute additional stats to your overall tank.
Next, we have the Flash, Agility and the Gun Slinger. So, to choose the best engine, you need to know what kind of engine contribute to what statistics of your tank.
Some other detail of forming your tank rarity and tank team class, is very simple. From the tank itself, from the four different parts, you form your common, rare, epic, legendary, and mystic. Then you will get a tank rank point. So, from you rank point you form your team. Example, seven common tank, you have total 7 rank points is your common team which contribute to one point. And example 7 mystic tanks, so 35 is the maximum for mystic tank team. Okay if you have more questions, please feel free to ask in our socials and we can guide you more.
So, for the team class here’s an example. The hatch has 3 rank point, gun has three rank point, so you form your rare tank. So this is an illustration and all these will be in our game guide. So, feel free to visit our website and click onm the game guide for further details.
Over here, because it’s a live I shall not go into details. I believe all our mods or our team will be able to guide more of you into the game.
Okay now let’s go to Warchest. Basically the written details will be available on the Gitbook. I believe that one of the most concerning will be the rewards amount. You will be able to see the PVE rewards chart that the people, the players are able to gain, the Brodium. And you will notice that chapter 2 and chapter 3 once you complete it, there will be a one-time A.O.T. token reward.
Next Chapter 4 and 5, you will see that PVE 3 and PVE 7, there’s also one time A.O.T. token rewards.
So this is the over all A.O.T. token rewards, in terms of PVP1 or battle 7v7, the rank battle if you earn Brodium and a weekly ranking in terms of A.O.T tokens, the top 20 you will be awarded A.O.T. tokens.
Last slide, let us look at the A.O.T use cases. As we mentioned before we are a single token model unlike most of the Gamefi projects out there, they have dual tokens and the gaming token actually have a great selling pressure. So in our game plan, why did we choose single token model? It is because we are creating, we are creating buying reason, buying volume for the A.O.T token and in terms of rewarding and whenever people, whenever games consume A.O.T tokens through forging, through minting, a certain amount of token will be burned in our burning mechanism. So, we are creating a healthy ecosystem for our A.O.T. tokens. So, we hope through this way, not only because there’s a buying demand of A.O.T. tokens, and there is, as scholar or as players, when you earn A.O.T. token from the game, you will recycle into the ecosystem, if not you can sell and put bread on your table. No problem. But there will, as more and more player come into the play, and as more tanks come into the play, they spend A.O.T. tokens and create a buying volume for the tokens. So that’s, all for my sharing on the game guide and without further ado, let us proceed and i will pass it to our CEO, Neo.
CEO Jackson Neo: Hi, everyone! I’m back! And I am sure Maestro shared with you guys on how exactly to play our game. Slightly sophisticated but do take some time to learn our game because this is going to help you in your journey with age of tanks and most importantly, if you know how to play the game well, you’re going to earn rewards, more A.O.T tokens.
now on my part, I would like to address a few issues. Recently it has been a bad time for almost every protocol. I mean, the thought of world war three coming, bearish market, the sideway market and all the different news affecting the market right now but please, guys don’t forget GameFi protocol are among the first protocol to climb out of the last bear and we are here to stay.
Since day one, when we started talking to our community, it has been 6 months and this has been a crazy journey, and I’m sure most of you out there, have been following us for the last 6 months and we have been delivering, we have been showing that we are here to stay. Our game is ready, finally and I think this is a great time. Why do I say so?
Most of our community would like to ask. So, the game is live right now. Those who have bought the NFTs, can start to earn rewards from the game itself already. But what about the strategies that AOT is going to take to attract more players into the community, because at the end of the day this is the most important priority that we need to solve and to do that, we have done something.
These are the guilds that has worked with age of tanks, we all have agreements to work with each other and we are all in deep partnership that include VVG, Battle Arena, Good Game, Unix, PathDao, MMG, Arbiter, Vendil, and Meta One. Among the list here are five of the Top Ten guilds in the market right now. And we’re very excited that our full game launch is here, because only when the full game is launched, then guilds can come in to onboard their scholars, to onboard their treasury to come in and buy up the NFTS and to start playing and to put food on the table of a lot of scholars and incubate the next generation of professional GameFi esports athletes. Among these guilds, we have more than 20,000 scholars to come into AOT and amongst them is more than 100 million treasury and which some of the guilds are already in contract with us, they are going to come in millions of dollars to come buy our NFTS during the coming two months and I think this is a great time to do it.
There are two new guilds that joined us for those that follow us since 6 months back, GGG PathDao, these guilds are here with us but recently, we onboarded two new guilds which is really going be really really exciting and I would like to take 5 minutes to give an introduction about them.
First one being VVG. VVG like their tagline, “Play the future Now”. What I love about them, they are probably going to become the best asset manager of the metaverse, because of their strong track record in the financial scene and not just that these boys were from TradFi and they allocated a budget to come into the metaverse and since then have been showing track records their acumen has been spot on. All these famous blue chip NFT projects and GameFi projects went in and they made good money and brought back good ROI on their investors and right now we are already in contracts with them and they are on boarding their funds and players with us. We are so excited about that!
Next we have the Battle Arena Game Guild.
Battle Arena is all about esports. For those of you that know about esports, please do check about them. They have been around for almost five years. They have 17,000 square feet game arena in Kuala Lumpur. It’s one of the biggest in Southeast Asia and they are a very big name in esports scene.
Among them they have organized around 100 esports events and the total prize money exceeded three to five million US dollars already. So right now, this is their first venture in GameFi scene and we are so excited to be working with them to help them on this journey and not only that, the first GameFi protocol they are going to come in big bucks with Age of Tanks and to this, I would like to give a grand thank you to the Battle Arena team. You guys are amazing and most probably somewhere later this month we’re gonna call a live event in the Battle Arena HQ itself.
So, until then we give the confirmed date, please stay tuned we are going to make it a very exciting esports event. And most importantly all the while, in the past two years of GameFi, every GameFi protocol or every guild has been trying to say that they have esports credentials but most of the time they do not. I mean, it is not easy to be an esports player on five year history and they have their own esports team. Not just that, they have real gamers. What do I mean by real gamers, not scholars, not GameFi players but real game players behind them, with a solid following so with this, they’re going to bring in their traditional gamers into the GameFi scene. This will be a surge in their demand of the entire GameFi scene and of course, in the surge of A.O.T. And because of their esport background, they incubate their own team, they sponsor their own battle teams on a pro- athlete level. They are going to use this platform with A.O.T. to incubate the next generation of professional GameFi players. And I think this is the game changer, for I believe that game guilds in GameFi is so integral that they need to work work with each other in order to succeed.
So every month we’ll be working our best to incubate, to bring onboard more guilds to come into A.O.T. because this is organized demand. I am sure a lot of you have played a lot of GameFi protocols or even bought a lot of GameFi coins. Some projects come, some projects go. Some projects are serious in the long run and some projects, we cannot comment about that. However, guilds are organized entity that brings on professional funds and professional players and full time commitment onto the agreement signed. SO I believe all these actions is going to be a very big boost to the A.O.T. token holders.
So until then, I think the effect should be seen in a short two or three weeks, because we are working with a lot of their scholars, a lot of athletes to see how we can onboard everyone together.
With this, we have come to the end of today’s sharing and I hope you guys enjoyed it. We should be doing one more live, maybe in two or three weeks.
CMO Maestro Sim: Yeah
CEO Jackson Neo: We really want to do it in the history of Battle Arena. We’re going to make it a big offline event as well. So, stay tuned and maybe we should throw some guests. I think a lot of borders are open right now. We can give some t-shirts, give some merchandise. Let’s do it.
So stay tuned on this. Let’s think about it and with this, thank you very much. Thank you for your continuous support for Age of Tanks. The wait is worth it. The game is out. We’ll keep improving. Keep charging. And we’re very sure we’ll be one of the top GameFi protocols of 2022. Thank you!
CMO Maestro Sim: Thank you very much!
Watch the whole video here >>Age of Tanks Launches FULL GAME — Your Full Guide — YouTube
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