Weekly News Update (04Feb22)

Age Of Tanks
8 min readFeb 9, 2022

Alpha Game Status, INO & More!

Salute, Champions! It’s time for our weekly update! This time you will be getting the whole transcript of the update from our CEO Jackson Neo and CMO Maestro Sim! This week’s update is one BIG PACKAGE OF SURPRISES for everyone! YES! SUPRISES! With the S, because it’s not just one but a LOT!

There were two main things discussed in the update and we will divide it into parts — The Alpha Game Launch and the INO.

Part One is our Alpha Game Launch gives an overview of what has happened in the past 2 weeks with the Alpha game — where players can assemble tanks, form teams and test drive them into battle.

While feedbacks from players kept pouring in, giving the AOT team much needed help and inputs to improve the game, the team listened and will present the updates, changes and future plans.

So, let’s start reading and so you don’t get left behind on what’s NEW AND EXCITING for Age of Tanks!


Weekly Update on YouTube Channel — https://youtu.be/MlbUzDIRuZE

CEO Jackson Neo: Hi, everyone. I am Neo.

CMO Maestro Sim: I am Maestro.

CEO Jackson Neo: Yeah. We are the founders of Age of Tanks.

CMO Maestro Sim: … Age of Tanks

CEO Jackson Neo: Today is a very exciting day because we’ve got so much to tell you guys and it’s going to be mainly broken down into two parts.

The first part will be the updates of our Alpha Game launch. And we have given so much prize pool. And we are very and excited with our results, so far. Of course, we will strive to be even better.

This part will be covered by Maestro and after that we will be talking about our highly anticipated INO. So, stay tuned, guys! I’ll pass over the mic to Maestro.

CMO Maestro Sim: Thank you, Jackson. Thank you, Neo. From the start of our Alpha Launch, since the 22nd of January, to today… We have given more than 400 thousand AOT tokens prize pool and more than 7,000 participating gamers and more than 140,000 accumulated battles and more than 11,000 hours stress test done.

So, we are still in the midst of the on-going alpha launch, and we are expecting more and more players coming to play. So, if you have not tried our Alpha Launch, please join and read up our Alpha Game Guide. And the document- the Gitbook and get to know the bonus that we are giving away.

Alright, and we are still doing the BUGS RESOLVING and some of the bugs that the gamers already feedback to us — the tanks skill did not appear, empty message randomly pops up, never ending battle matches… Why? Because they are able to match with some incredible skills that both tanks are using, and the match just keeps going on. And of course, we have remedies, solutions to these cases.

And of course, there are also matchmaking bug. Some people are complaining that it’s unfair, that they are common team and they got matched up with a legendary team. So, we are also doing some fine tuning to that.

Alright. There are frozen screens and when the matchmaking did not work out. There are some zero HP tanks. They are still attacking an extra tank.

So, don’t worry. We have collected all your feedback and a lot of your feedbacks, we are resolving. We are also giving out bug bounties and the good feedbacks that we already adopted, we will also give the rewards in AOT tokens.

And more than 500 wallets received the BUG BOUNTY reward already.

I think it’s amazing that we have such good interaction with our community so it gives us a lot of good feedbacks, help us find a lot of bugs and we can fix it before we go live which I think is very important. This is why, we are confident we are confident that our game will be widely appreciated by our community.

CMO Maestro Sim: Yeah. Right now, you can see the slide — THE GOOD FEEDBACKS UNDER CONSIDERATION

A battle replay or screenshot that can be shared to Social Media channels. We noted that and we think it’s a very good suggestion. If not, why do you want to show your V3? How are you going to show it? So, we will have the function in our full launch.

Hover over symbols to help gamers understand and make better decisions when strategizing and assembling tanks. Yeah, we noted that.

And PVE campaign mode, captivating tutorial mode as you play. We will put in the tutorial PVE and as you play along the few battles of the campaign mode, it’s like getting to know to play Age of Tanks. It will be like a step-by-step guidance how to assemble your tanks, how to select your tanks, and how do you select the battle mode. And we will have cut scene storytelling to help gamers immerse into our Age of Tanks story.

CEO Jackson Neo: We must not forget the big story behind is the Earth Zero and the Second Impact. So, all these storylines cut scenes will be included in the full game as well.

CMO Maestro Sim: And talking about PVE mode, this is something new. A lot of GameFi games, they have a PVE and PVP. Yeah, we do have that. But we are thinking of some special PVE that is CO-OP — meaning an online place, getting together for a PVE. It’s not just playing by myself with the game inside. We combined two versus the computer and they take down bosses, kaiju style.

Certain bosses can only battle with unique traits and abilities. So, what happens if you do not have that trait and you do not have that tank with that skill, you can rent or if you have that tank, you can rent out to other gamers. And you can team up with other gamers to clear certain battles, to level up!

CEO Jackson Neo: So, this game will be very exciting. It’s like division and other co-op game, where players from the community can collaborate together and fight.

Of course, there are quests. So, inside the quest, you need different type of tanks. That’s why we can spike the different assemble of tanks and increase the buying power of AOT as well. And to let people have more variety of tank where you would neutralize each other. So, this is what we intend to do, to make sure that there is maximum interaction.

CMO Maestro Sim: And unlike many games, they have plans, they have views, they don’t really communicate. In here, you have to communicate. No choice because you need to find which gamers have that tank, that particular trait or skills. So, you don’t need to ask around who has that tank. And the person who has that tank get to decide “Who am I going to help?”

Of course, the guild has the priority. But he can also rent out and earn a passive income from the tank.

Alright. Special PVP Game Modes, beside the regular PVP. It wouldn’t be the normal PVP — Player A vs Player B. There will be a special mode. Example there will be the Mini Tournament Modes, where buyers can buy in and win the top prize. Example, there will be an arena with 10 players, Royal Rumble getting together, or maybe 8. So, they will fight, like a step ladder to the top, from top 8 to top 4, to top 2 semi-finals and they do the finals, and the top player wins the top prize. So, we have planned all these special PVP game modes.

And we are also planning to come up with the Sealed PVP Tournament Mode, to even up the playing field for new gamers. Especially talking about PVP, a lot of games — new players, you will likely lose to experienced players. Because why? Because they spend more time studying the game, understanding which tank is better, they already learned how to counter certain skills. But as a new player, you can join in the special PVP mode and learn how to randomize tank, so you would be leveling out on the same starting point even with an experienced player. Because an experienced player will get new sets of random parts, and you will all start at level one.

CEO Jackson Neo: I think that the main idea about this is, we know after today, after we announce the details of our INO, there will be players shopping for our NFT tanks, so they’re going to get it at a perfect price, perfect bonus, perfect discount. In the future, let’s say two or three months down the road, new players want to come in but at that point in time, the NFT tank might appreciate in value. So, they may not be able to afford such expensive tank in day one. Does it mean we are going to phase them out? I think that is not cool!

So, for game to be healthy and to be successful in the long run, you always need a good blend of players, in and out and new players coming into the community.

So, we all have these different campaigns and tournaments inside our pipeline, so that we can make sure that at every stage, there will be different types of players getting different benefits. Overall, it will be a healthier community. That’s what we are trying to do.

CMO Maestro Sim: And coming up, as you see on the screen, we will be having our over-all ranking starting on the 6th of February to 15th of February, 10 days overall ranking for all our gamers. And the top 100 gamers, you will receive our origin tank NFT rewards, for FREE!

As long as you battle it out, you play our game, you are in the Top 100 over all ranking. Alright. Details will be disclosed later. We will put it on our website and telegram for you guys, to understand.

CEO Jackson Neo: Now we have reached the part about our most highly awaited INO. But before that let’s thank Maestro for the very detailed presentation of what has happened so far in the past 14 days.


All details and announcements had been consolidated into the following articles!
INO — Whitelist Event
INO — Guilds, Partners & Marketing

All Socials/Website/Blockchain URLs: https://linktr.ee/AgeofTanksNFT
*These are the ONLY Official Channels, any other similar sites & links are not representations of us.



Age Of Tanks

AGE OF TANKS — THE FIRST MILITARY STRATEGIC METAVERSE! Check us out @ https://ageoftanks.io/